

Voice Assistants



Personlized responses for even follow up questions is the level of sophistication in Voice Assistants Technology in 2018.


Why perform SEO for Voice Search?



Voice search is here now and it’s time to learn to talk to machines and screens.

Alpine.AI, reports more than one billion voice searches every month.

When Siri first appeared back in 2011 with its slow and inaccurate search results voice search did not seem to have a bright future.

Today, smart technologies from Amazon Echo, Google Home and Siri have proven voice assistants can perform as efficiently to speech. AI voice assistants now understand humor, nuances in a conversation and believe it or not - represent you in making restaurant reservations.

Search and indeed our lifestyles are going to transform soon, read on to understand the driving force and prepare for the changes.


SEO for Smart Voice Assistants



Last week, Google introduced Duplex a smart voice assistant that sounds almost indistinguishably human. The demonstration saw Duplex calling several restaurants and a hair salon to make reservations on behalf of its client

Googles principal engineer, Yaniv Leviathan, and vice president of engineering, Yossi Matias, in a blog post declared the technology is still in development and only functions within specific domains. “Duplex can only carry out natural conversations after being deeply trained in such domains. It cannot carry out general conversations.


Massive Data Generates More Voice Search Results



Massive amounts of data helps figure in voice generated search results. Voice search algorithms are much more sophisticated than traditional search. Voice assistant AI understand the intent of your search necessitating long tail keyword phrases as in a conversation, where the intent is clearer than simple traditional searches.


Perfect Voice Search Through Trial & Error



Smart assistants are driven by voice commands alone, users will learn to use voice for every task, query and to seek solutions to every problem.

In addition to building large data for successful voice results try out various questions, headings and weave key phrases in sentences to help figure in results easily. Deploy long tail keyword phrases generously is the current wisdom.


Voice Search for Mobile or Smart Speakers



Smart phones are omnipresent, clearly the dominant voice search device. However, smart speakers are gaining ground with the popularity of Amazon Echo & Google Home.


SEO for Smart Speaker Voice Search or Smart Phones



Every tech major worth its salt are developing and launching their own smart speakers with voice controlled assistants.

eMarketers findings reveal, in 2018, 21% internet users around the world are using smart speakers, although smart speaker’s assist in performing many tasks in addition to searching the internet. Google claims to allow Google home owners accomplish more than a million tasks with Google smart devices.


What is the Search Volume of Voice Search on Smart Speakers



To begin with voice search was limited to smartphones, now however, smart speakers are taking the world by storm.The technology has caught on, clearly evidencing that voice searches will represent the majority of total searches. According to Mary Meekers Internet Trends report in 2016, voice searches increased more than 35-fold between 2008 and 2016. According to Location World, more than 40 percent of adults used voice-based search on a daily basis in 2016. And comScore predicts that that voice search will account for 50% of all search activity by 2020.

Voice is the sole means of controlling smart speakers, therefore, users with smart speakers deploy voice search all the time. This is way below the number of mobile voice searches conducted today. However, it is crystal clear that the future of search is through smart speakers for its ease of use and increased technological advances, in addition to its usefulness around the house for a lot more than internet searches.


How does Voice Search Benefit Business?



Improved lifestyles and ease of use are primary benefits of smart speakers such as: turning the lights on & off.

A conservative current penetration rate of smart speaker sale is currently 10%, almost half the smart speaker owners made purchases using their smart speaker in 2017. 

Categories most used in smart speaker purchases were:

  • Groceries
  • Entertainment
  • Electronics


Understanding intent and serving results will be the subject to learn. Google calls it Micro moments purchase moments, research moments, and discovery moments, just to name a few.

Consumers experience them on average 150 times a day: I-want-to-know, I-want-to-go, I-want-to-do, I-want-to-buy moments.

In the place of specific keywords, the stress is now on conversational, long-tail search phrases and understanding the meaning behind the query.


Anticipate Search Phrases in Natural Speech Patterns



The way forward is to anticipate the various words and phrases customers will use to seek out your products & services in natural speech patterns.

Figuring in Google snippets indicates authority, work on achieving snippet position will ensure a place in voice search results. Small improvements leads to major changes, it is difficult to anticipate any one direction or the manifestation of this huge search revolution.

Maintaining a flexible approach will be best at this stage of voice search revolution.